The presentation focused on the speaker’s expertise in both textile and upholstery conversation. It considered the practical challenges in caring for, investigating and interpreting mixed-media, mutli-layered, three-dimensional artefacts for historic house interiors and museum display. Illustrated with case studies, the presentation highlighted on a variety of technical challenges and solutions in accessing partially and fully concealed inner structures for purposes of examination and treatment. The case studies include upholstered furniture and historic dress. 

Ms Kate Gill

Specialist in Textile and Upholstery Conservation Teaching and Practice

Kathryn (Kate) Gill, FIIC, ACR, FHEA, is a free-lance conservator, lecturer and researcher, notably of textiles and dress. She is a specialist in upholstery conservation and image-based documentation and co-edited Upholstery Conservation: Principles and Practice (2001). Following training in the conservation of textiles and upholstery at the Textile Conservation Centre (TCC), England, she set up the upholstery conservation section at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA), New York. After seven years as Senior Conservator at MMA (1984–1991), she returned to the UK as Senior Conservator and Lecturer at the TCC, University of Southampton (1998-2009), where she combined practical conservation with research and teaching. Her object-focused research is disseminated via publications, international conferences and workshops. She is External Advisor, Conservation of Furniture and Related Objects courses, West Dean College, England (2008 to date).

19TH February 2016
Lecture on 'Textile Conservation: Investigation, Interpretation and Display of 3-D Multi-media Objects' by Kate Gill, Specialist in Textile and Upholstery Conservation Teaching and Practice
Q&A Session
End of programme