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Fund-raising efforts and humanitarian assistance to countries afflicted by disasters

Response to parliamentary question on overseeing the relief and fundraising efforts by local ground-up initiatives to help overseas victims of flood crisis.

  1. It is heartwarming to see many Singaporeans look out for others in times of crisis and help our neighbours affected by the recent floods. There are both organised efforts by charities, as well as informal ground-up efforts that are soliciting funds and in-kind donations to help Malaysians affected by the floods.
  2. Fund-raising activities are regulated by the Commissioner of Charities (COC). Anyone (including businesses and organisations) raising funds for foreign charitable causes is required to apply for a Fund-Raising for Foreign Charitable Purposes (FRFCP) permit from the COC prior to the commencement of the appeal. This ensures that donors’ funds are channelled to the stated, bona fide purposes. You can check if an appeal has been granted a permit by using the Charity Portal’s Fund-raising Permit search function.
  3. There are registered charities in Singapore that provide humanitarian assistance to countries afflicted by disasters. The COC’s Office works closely with these charities to facilitate the issuance of the FRFCP permit prior to the commencement of the appeal. We encourage members of the public to support the appeals organised by these charities or entities that have been granted the relevant permits. Such charities include the Singapore Red Cross.
  4. However, there are also informal appeals to give by individuals or loose groups who genuinely want to help. With the internet and social media, it has become easy to conduct online appeals among friends or friends of friends, and the wider community via online crowdfunding platforms. When responding to such appeals, it is important for donors to be discerning. For example, use crowdfunding platforms that have pledged commitment to the Code of Practice for Online Charitable Fund-raising Appeals which the COC has introduced. It is also important that donors check and ask the right questions before giving. For example, donors can ask the fund-raiser questions such as who the beneficiary is, what their donations will be used for, and how they can receive updates about the beneficiary. Donors should check that the appeals are bona fide before giving. Members of the public can access the Charity Portal for more information on Safer Giving and trusted crowdfunding platforms.
  5. On our part, if there is reason to believe that a fund-raising appeal is fraudulent, the COC’s Office will investigate the matter. The COC can act to protect donors by invoking his powers to suspend, restrict or prohibit the conduct of the appeal.
  6. While we do not intend for the regulatory regime to stifle the spontaneity of ground-up efforts to give help, we nevertheless encourage individuals or groups to partner and support charities who are familiar and have experience organising disaster relief efforts, to ensure that the funds raised will be channelled efficiently to the intended beneficiaries.
  7. As donors, we too have a part to play. By being vigilant and discerning in responding to fund-raising appeals, we are better placed to ensure that our contributions will be put to good use.

Last updated on 15 February 2022