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Common salary guideline for asatizah

Response to parliamentary question on the common salary guideline for asatizah

  1. Muis is working with the madrasahs and mosques to implement a Common Salary Guideline for our asatizah. This will involve a holistic review, including a rigorous evaluation of the asatizah’s job scope and salary benchmarking with relevant sectors. 
  2. These salary adjustments will be underpinned by a robust performance-based system that ensures our asatizah are fairly compensated based on the skills, competencies, and value that they bring to their jobs. 
  3. Muis is engaging employers in the madrasah and mosque sector to review the existing performance appraisal system. Muis will also conduct workshops to equip supervisors and reporting officers, as well as their human resource personnel, with the skills and knowledge to implement the salary structure within their organisations, in accordance with the Common Salary Guidelines. 
  4. Once these engagements are completed, Muis will implement the Common Salary Guidelines in phases from 2023. Muis will thereafter regularly monitor and ensure that salaries for the asatizah remain competitive with the relevant sectors. 
Last updated on 14 September 2022