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PA serves as a bridge between the government and the people

Response to parliamentary question on regulations or guidelines governing interactions between grassroots, People’s Association and Government agency outreach efforts

  1. The People's Association (PA) is a Statutory Board under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). It has full-time officers who work closely with grassroots leaders and volunteers. PA was set up in 1961 to promote social cohesion, and to act as a bridge between the Government and the people. PA plays a key role in last mile communications -- explaining Government policies to citizens, listening to their concerns and gathering their feedback so Government can refine, adjust and improve its policies to better meet the needs ofSingaporeans.
  2. PA works closely with government agencies to inform and engage residents on key government initiatives. For example, during the COVID-19 period, PA worked with Ministry of Health (MOH) to raise awareness of safe distancing measures, and to explain and assist in the vaccination programme. PA spared no effort during the pandemic to look after our residents, going door to door, providing a calming assurance to our residents, and going the extra mile even when it meant risking the health and safety of staff and volunteers. PA also delivered urgent services to residents – including distributing masks, TraceTogether tokens and delivering food during the circuit breaker period.
  3. The PA appoints Grassroots Advisers (GRAs) to guide the grassroots organisations (GROs); as well as grassroots leaders and volunteers to help us communicate and implement the policies and programmes of the Government. This includes explaining difficult and sometimes unpopular policies that the Government believes are necessary for the future of Singapore, such as the GST increases (which the Opposition reject), the increase in retirement age and the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act, for example.
  4. Like other government agencies, PA does not conduct any activity with any political party. PA does not allow its events or venues to be used for partisan purposes by any political party.
Last updated on 21 April 2023