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Siting of sports facilities

Response to parliamentary question on the planning considerations for the location of sports facilities within a housing estate

  1. Mr Speaker, the Sports Facilities Master Plan (SFMP) aims to give Singaporeans good access to high quality sport facilities for them to pursue an active lifestyle, stay healthy, and build strong community bonds through sports.

  2. The Masterplan comprises a range of sporting and recreational facilities that meet national, regional, and local town needs. 

  3. We provide for every HDB Town to have either a Town Sport Centre or Regional Sport Centre, and depending on population trends, may also be supplemented with a Town Play Field. Each of these facilities offer a broad range of sporting amenities to cater to a variety of different sporting and recreational interests.

  4. In determining what specific facilities to put in the towns, SportSG takes into account a variety of considerations, such as the town population size, popularity of sports, utilisation rates, availability of space, proximity to other sport and recreational amenities as well as feedback from residents. 

Last updated on 28 February 2023