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Unutilised Cultural Medallion Funds

Response to parliamentary question on unutilised Cultural Medallion Funds

Written 5434. Ms Usha Chandradas: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth (a) what is the dollar amount of the Cultural Medallion (CM) Fund entitlements that remain unutilised, by both living and deceased past winners of the CM; and (b) what are the reasons why such CM Fund entitlements remain unutilised.

  1. Of the total $9.4M awarded to Cultural Medallion (CM) recipients since 2001, $3.4M remains unutilised as at January 2024.  
  2. Reasons that CM Fund entitlements remain unutilised include recipients being in the process of conceptualising projects or recipients having no concrete plans yet. To increase the Fund utilisation, NAC supports and works closely with CM recipients who are still conceptualising their projects on the use of their CM Fund entitlements.
Last updated on 06 February 2024