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Preserving and sharing our culture and traditions

Opening Remarks by Mr Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Transport, at Yun Yin Dian Inaugural Lion Dance Competition


  1. 很荣幸受邀出席今天由云阴殿举办的2019 年第一届云阴殿传统舞狮赛竞赛。
  2. 云阴殿传统舞狮赛竞赛旨在鼓励年轻一辈通过舞狮的排练与比赛,多接触华族传统文化。在我国多元种族,多元文化的社会,像今天舞狮赛的活动扮演了搭建文化桥梁的角色,让各族同胞互相交流相互理解。我希望年轻的国人能够继续将各族的传统文化传承下去,也感谢云阴殿主办这次的舞狮赛。
  3. 文化、社区及青年部通过艺术、文化、体育、慈善等各方面巩固人民对国家的认同感,涉及新加坡的心灵建设。我们将继续与不同民间团体携手合作,增强各族群间的凝聚力,并推广传统文化和价值观的继承和发展。
  4. 今天的舞狮赛也适逢云阴殿的创殿十一周年。这些年来,云阴殿积极投身慈善,回馈社会,尤其在教育方面。2014年所创立的云阴殿教育中心,致力于为低收入家庭的孩子们提供免费的补习班。至今已有超过250名孩童们受益于在6个不同区域的教育中心的免费补习班。随着社会变迁与环境的需求,我们应该提倡关爱精神。我希望更多民间团体能够挺身而出,帮助更有需要的人,也加入 “关爱新加坡行动” 的行列 。
  5. 在此,让我祝贺云阴殿圆满举行首届的传统舞狮赛竞赛。 现在,请允许我用英语说几句话。
  6. All of you have had an exciting day and a long day of intense competition, but I hope that you have also taken the opportunity to make friends and bond over your common interest in lion dance. While you’re competitors, you can also be friends. I’m glad to also note that we have representatives from our Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles here with us today. While they may not be familiar with the craft, the techniques in lion dance [which are being looked at by the other professional judges], they are looking at other aspects of lion dance, like the storylines, the costumes and other aspects that I think we should also be paying attention to because that’s how we can relate to people who may not be familiar with lion dance.
  7. My thanks to Yun Yin Dian for providing a platform for us to build understanding and friendship in our community, as we celebrate our traditions and various aspects of our culture together. Thank you to all the teams too for the time and effort you’ve put in to hone your skills in lion dance. Wishing Yun Yin Dian a happy 11th anniversary!


Last updated on 20 August 2019