
Community Dispute Management Framework

Public Consultation careers-list-arrow

The Government conducted a public consultation from 9 March to 21 April 2014 to seek views from the public on how to encourage good neighbourliness and to improve the management of disputes between neighbours. Views gathered from this public consultation exercise will be used to strengthen the framework for the management of disputes between neighbours.

The summary of responses from the public consultation on promoting good neighbourliness and resolving community disputes can be found here.

For more details on the public consultation, please refer to Appendix.

Community Disputes Resolution Tribunals (CDRTs) careers-list-arrow

Parliament passed the Community Disputes Resolution Bill on 13 March 2015, after the Bill’s Second Reading by Minister Lawrence Wong. The Bill introduces a new statutory tort and provides for the establishment of Community Disputes Resolution Tribunals (CDRTs) to hear cases involving intractable disputes between neighbours, after all efforts including community mediation have been exhausted. The CDRTs are specialised courts which will only hear claims between neighbours over issues related to the enjoyment or use of places of residences. The claims must relate to conduct occurring on or after 1 October 2015.

More information:


Guidelines for resolving disputes between neighbours careers-list-arrow

Disputes between neighbours can be effectively resolved with a little thoughtfulness and patience. Communicate with our neighbours politely, listen to them and be willing to compromise to maintain a harmonious living environment.

How should I approach my neighbour about his/her annoying behaviour?


Before the conversation

  • Identify the most appropriate time to approach your neighbour.
  • Don’t confront your neighbour when you are angry as this may upset your neighbour.
  • Work out what you want to say before you speak to your neighbour.

During the conversation

  • Don’t lose your temper as this would make things worse and harder to sort out.
  • Keep calm and be polite while you attempt to talk things through.

Ending the conversation

  • Thank your neighbour for his/her time and leave on a friendly note.
  • Wait a few days to see if the problem has been solved.

How can mediation help me?


  • What is mediation?

During mediation, a trained neutral third party will facilitate a conversation between you and your neighbour to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator will not provide the solutions or make a decision for the parties. The mediator controls facilitates the process so that parties can discuss the issues and arrive at their own solutions in a calm and objective manner.

  • Where can I find mediation services?

Formal mediation services are available at the Community Mediation Centre, which has a panel of trained volunteer mediators. You can register your case online or call the hotline at 1800-CALL-LAW (1800-2255-529). More than 70% of cases mediated at CMC reach a settlement. 

Approaching the Community Disputes Resolution Tribunal (CDRTs)


  • Have you attempted mediation first?

You are strongly encouraged to have attempted mediation before filing your case. Mediation is important because solutions which have been reached by mutual agreement have a higher chance of being sustained.

  • What cases qualify for hearing at the CDRTs?

The CDRTs are meant to handle unreasonable interferences with the enjoyment or use of places of residence. The CDRTs are a measure of last resort for residents because other means of resolution (e.g. approaching your neighbour, informal mediation) may better preserve neighbour relations.

  • How can I file my claim at the CDRTs?

The CDRTs are housed at the State Courts located at 1 Havelock Square, Singapore 059724. You can find out more on how to file a claim at the CDRT and download the forms online at the State Courts website.

Facing difficulties in engaging your neighbour? careers-list-arrow

You can contact your grassroots leaders (GRLs) for help. You may get in touch with your GRLs through your nearest Community Club (CC).

Locate your nearest CC and contact information.

Last updated on 31 December 2019