
Cultural Masterplans

Singapore’s cultural policies have been shaped by the aspirations of our people, the arts community, audiences and the Government. The Arts and Culture Strategic Review (ACSR) was launched in March 2010 to review our arts and heritage policies. The ACSR was led by the private and people sectors, and involved extensive public consultations.

Envisioning a nation of cultured and gracious people that is proud of our heritage and Singaporean identity in 2025, ACSR’s recommendations were guided by two strategic directions, each supported by three strategies:

1. Bringing arts and culture to everyone, everywhere, every day

- Reach new audiences

- Sustain lifelong engagement

- Galvanise a national movement

2. Building capabilities to achieve excellence

- Develop cultural institutions

- Invest in talent

- Work with 3P partners

For the full ACSR report, please download report here.

In line with the thrusts within ACSR, NAC and NHB have launched the Our SG Arts Plan and Our SG Heritage Plan respectively. These plans identify the priorities for Singapore's arts and heritage ecosystem in the next five years.

For past roadmaps that provided the foundations for Singapore's cultural development, please visit:

- Report of the Advisory Council on Culture and the Arts (ACCA)

- Renaissance City Plan I

- Renaissance City Plan II 

- Renaissance City Plan III


Last updated on 02 November 2023