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Traffic and parking management in the public areas around the Sports Hub

Response to parliamentary question on whether Sports Hub Pte Ltd can be tasked to manage traffic and parking in the public areas around the Sports Hub, especially on major event days.

  1. Prior to any major event, Sports Hub Pte Ltd (SHPL) is required to set out a Traffic Management and Crowd Control implementation plan to mitigate traffic and parking issues. On the day of the event, when large crowds are expected, SHPL employs additional marshals to manage traffic within its precinct. 
  2. The Sports Hub is also easily accessible by public transport, which includes two MRT lines and public bus networks. Event attendees are strongly encouraged to take public transport and arrive early. This is communicated through mainstream and social media channels, as well as directly to event attendees via email and SMS.
  3. On the day of the event, government agencies also step up their presence at public residential areas around the Sports Hub to stop/deter  illegal parking, if necessary.
  4. As activities resume and more major events are held, SHPL will continue to engage and work closely with government agencies to better manage the traffic and parking situation during major events. 
Last updated on 26 August 2022