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Telling and shaping the Singapore Story together

Speech by Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth at My Singapore Style Microfilm Competition Award Ceremony, at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Auditorium



  1. 很高兴受邀出席“ 我的新加坡派”微电影比赛的颁奖典礼。喜欢新谣的人都知道,《新加坡派》 是一首很受欢迎并具有代表性的本地创作。这首歌的开头是“爸爸说我出世在六十年代,一岁多国家才算诞生出来, 那时候没人相信新加坡牌,还有人移民海外。” 接下来的歌词描述新加坡七十年代、八十年代、九十年代所经过的变迁。随着社会的发展,生活素质的改善,新加坡人的身份认同和国家归属感也渐渐形成了。歌曲的尾端有一句歌词“我们的故事自己记载,未来就看下一代。” 这正是 “我的新加坡派”微电影比赛的目的-让下一代勾勒未来憧憬。
  2. “我的新加坡派”微电影比赛的作品记载了我们的故事,展现了新加坡的价值观、多元文化与社会面貌,勾勒出了我们的共同经历和回忆。更重要的是,这些作品都有一个共同点—就是我国的社会和谐需要每个人的珍惜、参与和经营。感谢你们的努力,为我们共同创造新加坡派。
  3. 今年正逢新加坡开埠两百周年纪念,是我们反思新加坡承先启后、继往开来的时刻。新加坡能有今日的成就,一大关键是先辈们坚毅不拔和不断进取的精神。尽管来自不同国家和背景,先辈们相互扶持,同心协力克服挑战,打造了一个多元文化的新加坡社会。
  4. 我们的社会和谐是建立在彼此相互理解、尊重与包容的基础上。这一切并非偶然,而是经过长年努力不懈的经营和维护。因此,我们必须要好好珍惜并将之传承下去,积极促进社会和谐,一同加强社会凝聚力。
  5. 我衷心感谢新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡华族文化中心及联合早报联办这场微电影比赛,并且恭贺所有得奖者。无论比赛结果如何,希望所有参赛者能继续努力,记录更多精彩的故事,增进我们对新加坡的归属感。
  6. Let me continue my speech in English.

    Values define who we are as a nation and people

  7. As we mark our Bicentennial this year, it is timely to reflect on the theme of “Building a Harmonious Society Together”. How has our past helped shape our present, and what lessons do we draw from our history that will guide us in our future? Why did our forefathers come to Singapore from the many shores that they originated? They brought with them their own skills, language and cultures – did they come with the intention to settle for good? Most of them came with virtually nothing on their backs. How did they survive in a strange land? What were the values that united them in the building of a nation? Are they the values of openness, multi-culturalism and self-determination that define us as a people, and as a nation?

    Each of us can do our part in shaping what it means to be Singaporean

  8. The micro films submitted for this competition show that the values of our pioneers have become a part of our Singapore DNA. Through the eyes of the filmmakers, we see that each of us can shape what it means to be Singaporean-- whether it is small acts of kindness to people we meet in our everyday lives, upholding mutual respect with colleagues of different cultures, volunteering in causes that serve the greater common good, or taking the brave step to pursue our dreams.
  9. One of the entries,《邻里之间》 “Neighbourhood”1, shows how a newcomer to Singapore becomes closer with his neighbours through simple daily interactions, sharing of food, and their common love for pets. To quote C.S. Lewis, “Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: ‘What? You too? I thought I was the only one.” If we make the extra effort to reach out to those around us – our neighbours, colleagues, or even people we have just met – we can bring fellow members of our Singapore society closer together, and become a more caring and cohesive society.

    Our shared experiences bind us together

  10. I would like to acknowledge the efforts by the film-making enthusiasts and students who took part in this competition. You have showcased our shared experiences and our multiracial and multicultural society in an authentic and moving way. Thank you for capturing these wonderful stories and bringing to life the familiar sights and sounds of Singapore. I hope that your works will inspire more talented filmmaking enthusiasts to continue telling our Singapore Story together.
  11. Thank you, and congratulations to all the winners! 
1 This entry will receive the Gold Award in the Open Category. The microfilms can be viewed from the website

Last updated on 29 May 2019